Accident Scene Management

Sign Up to Hold Your Space

Bystander Assistance Training: 3/18/25

Motorcyclists practicing how to remove a helmet after an accident if a rider cannot breathe.

This is our first ever private ASM class for our industry friends and partners. This training is incredibly important for anyone who rides and Scott O’Sullivan feels so strongly that he’s funding this session entirely for this small group. This is a full day of training that is scheduled from 9:00am-5:00pm (but often finishes by 4:00pm). We understand this training is a time commitment and we applaud you for wanting to help someone who goes down on the road. Thank you for being here!

We can only have a maximum of 20 people in this class so please reserve your place by filling out the form below. If you have questions or If you find later that you can’t make the training, please reach out:

A few days before this class, you’ll receive an email with additional details.

We didn’t create this training. It was developed by Road Guardians, who are the largest and only accredited Motorcycle Trauma Training organization in the world, with instructors in South Africa, Australia, the Philippines & the USA.
