The BikerDown Story
BikerDown is a non-profit organization that was established in 2011 to assist motorcycle accident victims. Biker Laurie Easton founded BikerDown after she witnessed an accident in 2011.
“We had 12 bikes on the road and none of us had a first aid kit,” she recalls with frustration. “Our cell phones didn’t work and even if they had, I realized that I didn’t know which family members these riders would want me to call. And some of the riders didn’t have any insurance! It was crazy!”
Ultimately, one of the riders lost her job and, because she didn’t have health insurance, her life was changed forever.
Laurie thought, “I can’t believe we don’t have an organization to help with this. We as bikers do fundraising rides for every dog, cat and cancer patient, but where is the organization that is about bikers helping bikers?”
So, she created BikerDown.
A Member-Driven Organization Offering Rider Support
BikerDown relies on donor gifts and annual members to serve the motorcycle community. Using the collective power of the tight-knit biker community, this organization helps riders and their families get through the tough times by providing emotional support, financial advice, medical equipment and other services.
BikerDown members can enjoy the following benefits:
Roadside assistance
Disability insurance (Aflac. See details below.)
Hospital visits
Legal referrals
Support for accident victims and their families
Much more
To read more about BikerDown membership, visit their website at
Why Aflac Insurance?
When asked why BikerDown offers Aflac Insurance, Laurie explains, “If you have a family depending on you, you owe it to them to be proactive in your riding. You have a duty to make sure that they can pay for your care. What happens if you are permanently hurt or even temporarily injured? It doesn’t matter if it’s not your fault. Even something as simple as road rash can take days or weeks to heal and, depending on your line of work, that could be devastating to your financial situation. We all need disability insurance.”
Changing the Culture to Proactive Riding
Laurie admits a level of frustration when she thinks about how easy it would be for bikers to protect themselves before an accident.
“As bikers, it feels like we are constantly doing fundraising rides for each other to help with medical expenses. Bikers are the most generous people in the world! But we wouldn’t have to do this if we all had disability insurance like Aflac.”
In addition to the insurance and roadside assistance, BikerDown provides emotional support to family members of injured or killed riders, medical equipment and even financial advice to help victims keep creditors happy as they recover.
But the biggest plea Laurie makes to prospective members is to get the right insurance.
With her typical honesty and straight talk, Laurie says, “We bikers have a culture of, ‘It’s not going to happen to me.’ They don’t want me to be Debbie Downer or jinx them by talking about accidents. But I’m getting more and more calls from people who may not have listened to me a year ago and, after an accident, they’re calling me up. We’re changing the biker culture to proactive riding.”